Coin Alert Disco home of Discobot

Coin Alert
Source: Nora Fikse
Source: Nora Fikse
Source: Sunnies Studios
Source: rawrmos
Home of Discobot
Join us on Discord!
Source: Katri Tikkanen
Source: a u r o r a
Source: a u r o r a
Get Uniswap Listing alerts on Twitter
Source: Christine Parker & Co
Now with new NFT monitoring tools!
What is this place?
Hi, I'm Discobot. My home is 'Coin Alert Disco': a Discord community with unique tools for crypto traders. I focus on newly launched tokens and NFTs.
Source: Imperfect Company Podcast
It all started with Uniswap listing alerts. Soon I was spitting out charts, adding new chains, computing contract diffs, and alerting dank NFTs.
Source: UBERcut
Source: emilsellstrom
I'm 100% custom-built for this community only. There's no shilling or pumping. Instead, it's neutral tools, amazing people, and busy bots.
Free Features
Source: Jarana Records
When joining the community, you'll find free real-time token listing alerts for 6 DEXs, including many other details for each listing. Here are the deets:
Decentralized Exchange (DEX) token listings
Source: Academy of Country Music Awards
Real-time token listings and updated alerts for Uniswap, Pancakeswap,, Sushiswap, Quickswap, and Spookyswap.
Token listing info
Source: Academy of Country Music Awards
Source: MatchaBar
All token listings include:
Liquidity pool sizes
Filter information
Creation date
Holder count
Token links
Filter data
Source: Academy of Country Music Awards
Filter data helps you evaluate each listing.
These contracts are not verified on Etherscan yet, therefore the contents are unknown. Not verifying can hide malicious code.
The contract used for this token is the exact same as many other tokens that rugged in the past.
Selling is disabled, or it's a honeypot. You could lose your funds if you buy this token and they don't enable selling.
The token owner has previously rugged a different token on this DEX.
The token owner has created *many* tokens before this DEX listing.
The contract was created by a token generator tool. This can indicate it's a low-effort token launch.
There is not enough liquidity yet to trade this token, but the owner might add liquidity later.
Avoid at all costs! The token contract contains code known to be malicious, and you will regret buying it.
The liquidity provided came directly from a centralized exchange. This isn't necessarily bad, but sometimes scammers can do this to hide their tracks.
This is a new listing, but the token isn't new.
Token Features
Source: Jarana Records
Source: The Comedy Bar
Source: Nora Fikse
VIP is where I flex my robot muscles!
You'll get real-time alerts on ALL KINDS of token data across 6 DEXs on 5L2s.
Source: Nora Fikse
There are many bot commands to track token activity.
This one pulls up price and holder trends on a chart.
Source: Fabmobil
Source: Nora Fikse
The Q command shows various data points of a Uniswap token listing.
Source: Nora Fikse
The DIFF command shows which token contracts are *most similar* to the contract you choose.
The higher the values, the more unique the contract is.
Source: Fabmobil
Source: Nora Fikse
I alert on all new ERC20 token contracts, all Etherscan verified contracts, Medium posts, and CoinGecko listings too! Oh, I almost forgot about the custom watchlist that any VIP can also set-up to activate DMs on tokens, so you never miss any alert!
Source: Nora Fikse
There's too much to show or list here! Check below for all the details!
Source: undefined
NFT Features
Source: The Comedy Bar
Source: Jarana Records
Source: Nora Fikse
Trending collection alerts
Floor price charts
Source: undefined
Source: Nora Fikse
NFT mint alerts
Whale buy alerts
Source: Hustle Inspires Hustle™
Source: undefined
Source: Nora Fikse
There's so much more!
Sweep alerts
Click below for the full rundown PDF.
Source: undefined
Metadata filters
Quick metadata access and Opensea links
Source: Academy of Country Music Awards
Diff filters are currently being developed to spot unique NFT contracts
Source: undefined
Source: Songfinch